4 C. hot water
2 Tbsp. yeast
1/2 C. oil
5 Tbsp. sugar
3 tsp. salt
10 C. flour
Dissolve yeast in water in a large bowl with a pinch of sugar sprinkled over the top. Set aside. Mix oil, sugar and salt. Add yeast mixture and flour alternately until mixed. Knead by hand on a floured surface until dough is no longer sticky. This recipe makes about 50 scones. You can put portions of the dogh at this point into zip lock bags. Squeeze out all the air, and freeze for some other day. With the dough you are going to fry, roll out on a floured surface to aout 1/2" thick. Cut into squares with a pizza cutter and let rise for a few minutes. Heat oil in pan until it bubbles when you put a drop of water in it. Places scones in oil. When they are golden brown on bottom side, turn over and fry until done. Remove and place on a paper town to absorb oil.
To thaw frozen dough: Either remove bag from freezer and thaw at room temperature for 8 hours, or remove from freezer and refrigerate overnight Then, set on counter for 4 hours or until warm. Roll out and cut as directed above.
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